Sunday, August 11, 2013

When God Made You

What a great Love song! "WHEN GOD MADE YOU"

And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Genesis 2:21,22

“God created marriage. No government subcommittee envisioned it. No social organization developed it. Marriage was conceived and born in the mind of God.”  ~ Max Lucado

I have been married for 50 years to the love of my life. God gave me exactly the perfect fit. 
We all know that life and even marriage is not perfect, because we are not perfect. But with God all things are possible, and we still love each other very much. 
One of the secrets is to work together, do things together, share thoughts together and worship together our heavenly Father through Christ.
Thank You Lord.

This video reflects my life and love in marriage. 

Whether you’re married, engaged, have ever been in love or ever hope to be — here’s a wonderful love song that tells a great truth! 
God had it all planned out! 

View this beautiful video, and share it with those you love! 

click here: WHEN GOD MADE YOU    
Please, first turn off my Blog music in the right column
Be blessed in the Lord,

Minister Dr. Trudy Veerman

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