Wednesday, February 02, 2011

VICTORY in Jesus

And men shall speak of the might of Thy terrible acts: and I will declare Thy greatness. They shall bundantly utter the memory of Thy great goodness, and shall sing of Thy righteousness. The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. Psalm 45:6-8

Recently, I did have some challenging days. But I had become calm and at rest in my heart about it. Much prayer has gone up for me and we ourselves did call upon the Lord in full strength, so to speak.
I did not allow my mind to brood upon the negative outcome, but trusted the Lord to look after me.

In the past I personally have been healed of many afflictions and these healings have been lasting.

Let us go from the biblical point of view: "God's promises are Yeah and Amen, and He is NOT a man that He shall lie." God's will is right in His word, if you didn't know it yet. We have experienced many healings and have been standing on God's word, especially Isaiah 53:5,

"But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we ARE healed."
Salvation and healing are summed up in this one scripture.

When Jesus walked this globe He healed ALL who came to Him." Matthew 12:15, Luke 6:19 and Luke 4:40
Jesus said: "Thy faith hath made thee whole." Matthew 9:22.

"And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people." Matthew 4:23.

For the healing of a boy, Jesus replied: "All things are possible to him who believes." Mark 9:23b

Jan 13th, 2011, I was diagnosed with skin cancer and operated on then and there. That same day lumps in one breast were observed. This diagnosis was smacked right into my face, without forewarning. Since we did not expect all this, my husband had not traveled with me to the city some 50 km from home. Also, I had some other important meetings to attend that same day.
Just image me with this diagnosis on my mind and my face being cut to dig out the cancer.

Fear was the first thing which struck me, and my mind was turning into turmoil. I know the Lord for 50 years and have experienced many instant healings in my own body, that of my family and an instant healing of 10 years mental illness of my oldest sister.

Now, CANCER is a bad word and satan has so much power added to this devilish illness that most people tend to get overwhelmed by it etc.

The other day while driving in our car, I became very much aware of these powers of darkness trying to do away with me. I am not afraid to die, but NOT by the claws of satan.

I began straight forward talking to these spirits in the boldness of the Lord. I told them what God's word says about this all. I rebuked all and any obstruction of the devil, his lies, threats, deceiving suggestions in Jesus name, and scolded the devil and told him to get behind me, as Jesus did when tempted. No way was I going to be overrun by the powers of darkness, I am holding up the shield of faith.
One secret is to take the authority over the devil, who is disturbing you in your situation. Jesus says that we shall do greater thing then He. Not for us to get any pride, but to act upon His word. With me, I had to subdue my own human thoughts and replace them with God's thoughts, concerning the devil's attack on my body.

I assure you that I am ALREADY HEALED even when Isaiah wrote in Chapter 53:5 God's promise. With Him there is NO TIME, and when Isaiah penned this down, God had me in mind. HALLELUJAH!

By writing this down, tears are running down my face, since God directed me to write this here. 



Together with other believers, who dare to stand on God's word and proclaim it, I have overcome these powers of destruction in the powerful name of Jesus, the Christ, the Healer, the Deliverer, the Saviour. 
By FAITH... NO  more malignant melanoma (cancer).The rest is history. 

Please, read the following related testimonial writings:

In the service of the Master,
Minister Dr. Trudy Veerman


Bill Digiglio said...

AMEN!!! I am glad to hear you are doing well now!!!

Dr. Trudy Veerman said...

Thank you, Bill. It is like a DREAM, since it all started just a few weeks ago, and God has already answered. What a JOY!



Jesus Spoken Hear Be healed in the name of Jesus. We stand in agreement with you. Love Bruce & Mary Aspgren

Dr. Trudy Veerman said...

AMEN, Brother Bruce.
Thank you so much.
Receive His blessings.

Unknown said...

May you ,your ministry and your family be bleesd always ,and our Heavenly Father protect you always God bless , in Christ Jesus I pray, Keith M.

Dr. Trudy Veerman said...

Thank you so much, Keith.
I take all the blessings of God given to me and as many as I can get... smile..
In Christ.
Dr. Trudy

Rev. James Lewis said...

Dear Sister Trudy;

Jody and I rejoice, rejoice, rejoice with not only your deliverance, but your healing! There is STILL a healer in the house today. What a wonderful testimony to thousands of people today facing some surmountainable circumstances. Jesus Christ is our hope in the time of fear, our help in the time of trouble, and His Word is medicine to our flesh!

Dr. Trudy Veerman said...

Praise God, Brother James. The HEALER is still present. AMEN! Thank you, Lord.