Friday, March 28, 2008

Take it... or Leave it!

Dear Friend,

For one thing, I am very thankful and count myself privileged having received the Gift of the Holy Ghost; the "Speaking in Tongues", and other Gifts as the Lord deems fit.

I assure you that all who have received the Speaking in unknown Tongues, have been blessed by it and used this Gift for His glory ONLY, be it for self edification or as a prophetic Word for the Body of Christ.

Some dare to say the Gift of Speaking in unknown Tongues is of the devil. There is NO way that satan can/will bless, warn, send angels to protect through any imitation gift, because satan is a liar, thief and murderer from the beginning. Satan can only bring HATE, DESTRUCTION, DEATH.
I am hidden in Christ no powers of darkness can enter. AMEN!

Be it known, that No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost, and at the same time speak in Tongues through satan. I declare war against the powers of darkness and any lying spirit in the heavenly region, in the name of Jesus, the Christ.

We, who are in Christ know the Shepherd's voice and can discern and distinguish false and deceitful tricks of satan. Satan's behavior is not unknown unto us, since we have defeated him through Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, while putting on the Armor of God.

We are OVERCOMERS AND CONQUERORS in Christ, through the power of the Holy Ghost. No one and NOBODY will be able to take away that which we have received from God Himself. NO MATTER what others think or say. We're holding fast to that which God has bestowed upon us. AMEN AND AMEN!!

Some may not understand the Gifts of the Spirit, or the purpose for the use of these Gifts. To them who have received God's annointing with open arms and gladness, KNOW in whom they have believed, and have put their trust in Him.

I know from God's word that all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to anyone who desires these. Take it or leave it! The choice is yours!

The many, many testimonies of the power of God, in regards to the Gift of Tongues, CANNOT BE IGNORED or declared as being un-Biblical or even coming from satan, by them who have not received, understood and/or experienced this awesome powerful Gift of God.

The Gift of speaking in Tongues, beside the other Gifts, helps and supports the follower of Christ and the servant of God in the ministry; providing direction, protection, revelation, guidance and encouragement. Millions upon millions can testify to this.

The Apostle Paul encourages to seek the Gifts of the Holy Ghost and said: "I would that ye all spake with Tongues, but rather that ye prophesied." Paul also said that he spoke more in Tongues (for self edification) than all of them. It must have been necessary for him to do so... and so it is for us who have received.

Let the name of the Lord be PRAISED!

He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Psalm 24:4,5

And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with ALL your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

In the name of the Lord,
Minister Dr. Trudy Veerman


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