Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Apollyon Rising 2012"


It is the BlogSpot in regards to Dr. Thomas Horn's book "Apollyon Rising 2012", The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed.
This to be right in Washington, DC.

Apollo is the Greek version of the Egyptian god Osiris.
What is troubling is that this "god" is specifically identified in the Bible as the spirit that will inhabit the Antichrist. In other words, unknown to most Americans, the Great Seal of their country heralds an ancient prophecy of the coming Man of Sin.

Dr. T. Horn has been interviewed by United States congressmen, U.S. senators, and even 33rd-Degree Freemasons, none of whom have refuted his findings or conclusion.

Know about the times to come and the truth around it!


In His service,
Minister Dr. Trudy Veerman


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