Beloved in Christ,
What you'll be reading below comes right from the heart, line for line as God leads me. An "impromptu" expression of what lives within.
I'm sure, you have gone through tough times and some of us through nearly unbearable situations. Personally, some of my valleys were pretty deep, humanly speaking. At times we may have loathed these experiences, but I tell you a secret. When one stays committed to the Lord in the deepest of valleys, God is the closest. If you keep praising Him in any calamity, He WILL come down to rescue. He'll carry you through in a way unimaginable to the human mind.
God may lead us even into these valleys to come to know Him better, to learn to trust Him more, to have our faith build up, to receive revelation, to teach us to praise Him in ALL situations and at any time.
I am not per-se referring to valleys of our own making, but even those God will use.
Praising God in time of despair, in the darkest moments of your life or in the lowest valleys, with nothing to rejoice about, is called a SACRIFICE OF PRAISE unto God. This is when you touch the heart of God.
God dwells in the praises of His people. If you desire a closeness with God, or if you need His presence near, I am strongly advising you to start PRAISING His awesome name.
Don't confess the works of the devil, rather praise God for His mighty works. Don't mention how great your troubles are, but declair how great God is.
Hebrews 13:15 By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.
The Psalmist and many others will advise you to do the same thing.
Psalm 104:33 I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
Psalm 33:20,21 Our soul waiteth for the LORD: He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name.
Psalm 9:2,3 I will be glad and rejoice in Thee: I will sing praise to Thy name, O thou most High. When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at Thy presence.
Years ago I was struck so hard that humanly speaking I was at the point of hitting rock bottom, pulling my hair out, climbing the walls. I was so devastated I couldn't even think of a scripture. The only thing I could do was groan and tremble, lifting up my hands towards heaven. This was one of the deepest spots I have ever experienced as a Christian.
And you know what? ... that was exactly where God, my Father did meet me... right there. Where the air became compressed, the rain changed to steam, where tears evaporated, and the day turned black as tar He came down and touched me.
This was when He rescued me and carried me in His bosom.
I then wrote down that which welled up from the depth of my soul:
For the Lord is my helper and my staff,
He is a relief in a time of stress;
He is like water in a time of drought;
He is a light in a night of darkness;
He is my joy in times of sorrow;
He is my fulfillment, when there is emptiness;
He is my strength in weakness;
He is my all, when I am nothing.
In committment unto God and living with praise unto Him we'll catch a glimpse of God's dynamic power. But who can comprehend that power in all its fullness?
God's richest blessing to you in any situation you may face.
Below are two related writings, which include personal experiences with God.
A Genuine Desperate Cry
Praise, the Gateway to Victory
May you experience the touch of the Master.
In the annointing of God and for His glory, I remain.
Minister Dr. Trudy Veerman
1 comment:
i will lift up my hand in praise to God in my darkest hour and heaven will reach down to me as has been revealed to you and others. Thank you for this message.
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