Wednesday, July 08, 2009

After Death...


Dear friend in Christ,

Blessings and peace be yours in Christ.

I didn't write any article for my website or blog for some time, due to personal circumstances and the leading of the Lord.

Nevertheless there are many helpful, instructive and uplifting writings and poetic pages on any of my websites.

As I have observed there are many Christian people who need information on what to do with their remains after death, according to God's word.
Some time ago I wrote an article on

I have added some very informative links which will be an eye opener to many.

Please, follow the link below and read it prayerfully.
About Cremation and Embalming

As always, feel free to pass it on.

In the service of God and for His glory,
Minister Dr. Trudy Veerman

Keep your eyes upon the Fulfiller of your faith,
instead of the fulfiller of the flesh.
